Monday, March 14, 2011

La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero

Thursday, I walked in to the smoke shop and said, "Andy, I don't know what I want, but you know what I like." He gave me this: La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero. He said it was a tasty cigar on the medium to heavy side of the flavor spectrum, and I wouldn't be disappointed. Well, that was good enough for me, I grabbed it. Then I took it to the register and bought it. Then I smoked it and blogged about it. That's how this whole thing works. Where have you been?

Anyway, the La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero has a Domenican filler and binder, with an Ecuadorian Sun Grown wrapper, grown in (you guessed it) The Domenican Republic. The Double Ligero is about 6 1/2" long, but not very big around. The wrapper is a chocolate brown and a little shiny, due to the oils in the wrapper. It was firm, but spongy, and the wrapper was very supple, but absolutely beautiful.. I was a little miffed I couldn't use my punch, as it had a "pig tail." Who does this? Apparently a lot of manufacturers do, and I was unaware. Oh well, guillotine it is.

First lighting was rough, at least for me. Maybe I wasn't ready for it, but it was kinda harsh right off the bat. I coughed a bit, which I don't usually do. The harshness subsided after about 20 minutes though, and I was left with... I have no idea how to describe it. I guess leather is a taste, as it almost had a not of that in there. It was not nearly as spicy or peppery as previous cigars. The flavors were hard to pinpoint, and seemed almost one-note. Try as I might, I couldn't get any layers of flavor. Perhaps I was having an off day, as other sites I've looked at for this stick mentions multiple levels of tastes. The cut end was pretty acrid on my tongue, which is why I usually use the punch. That might have also distracted me from discerning the other flavor notes, but I kind of doubt that. Maybe an hour in, I detected a little bit of a pepper, but it went away almost immediately. Still, this was a very smooth smoke for a robust cigar.

The draw was easy, despite it being so well packed. The ash end stuck for over an inch before I was afraid I would get it all over my shirt. It burned evenly for the most part, I only had to even it up once in the first third, but it stayed the course after that.

All in all, the La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero was a decent smoke, though not what I am personally looking for. To me, the flavor profile wasn't a profile at all, and was fairly unremarkable. I would smoke it again if gifted to me, but given my choice, I would not purchase it again.

So to review:
La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero
Size: ??
Cost: $10
Length of smoke: 110 minutes
Flavor: robust, single note, smooth but boring
TGT Rating: 6/10

Note: TGT ratings are completely subjective, as everybody has their own taste preferences. Smoke with caution, gusto, and an open mind.

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