Thursday, February 10, 2011

Welcome to The Box Press!

Hello webbernet! I am The Great Thaytan, and among many other things I am an amateur cigar smoker. I have recently undertaken a mission to smoke a new cigar once a week and jot down my personal findings about said stogie. Keep in mind i did say AMATEUR. I have next to no clue what I am doing here, but as in any undertaking worth its salt I am dedicated to the process of learning!

I remember my first cigar, such as it was. I was a senior in high school. Like many days prior, I would get to school early to hang out with my friends. Invariably, one of us would say, "hey, you really wanna be here?" To which the rest of us would reply, "Hell no!" Or something similar. On this particular slack-filled day in history, we decided to trek an hour or so down the road to the beach. Oh, Gulf of Mexico, how I miss your murky waters and stench of dead sea life.

Anyway, one of my buddies, Jerry, usually stopped and purchased (gasp) Swisher Sweets. Yes, Swisher Sweets, which are to cigars what Olive Garden is to the Italian consulate. Nevertheless, being seventeen and highly suggestible, I partook. I was told never to inhale, which I promptly did, causing me to nearly eject a lung and parts of breakfast. But I persevered, and got through it. From then on I was hooked, but not in the nicotine-is-my-heroin way.

Years later, I was hanging out with another friend, Juan. Juan worked in a liquor store that had a walk-in humidor. Humidors always fascinated me. I really enjoy walking in, being hit by the slightly warm, moist air, the scent of tobacco and ozone heavy in the air... it just feels right. My roommate says I might have a touch of sinesthesis. He may be right. Anyway, Juan introduced me to my first REAL cigar: the Macanudo Portofino. For those unfamiliar, this is sold in a white tin with a screw-on lid. To me, it was like going from Taco Bell to Outback Steak house; they're both cigars, but one is DAMNED well better, and you didn't have to be an aficionado to know the difference. I savored it like it was the last one on earth... light, smooth, relatively inexpensive, and much tastier than Swisher could ever have fathomed. It changed my cigar life permanently.

Yes, I know, many people out there see the Macanudo Portofino as a lower end cigar. I was a kid making 6 bucks an hour, don't judge. For me it was a revelation, and though I don't smoke them anymore, it will always hold a place in my heart as my first.

So, on to today, cosmically speaking. Recently, some work buddies and I have been frequenting a local cigar store chain, heretofore known as the smoke shop. One of said buddies and I have endeavored to smoke a new cigar every Friday, and eventually work our way through the entire walk-in humidor. In an effort to aid my addled memory, I am jotting notes about each one and taking a picture of the band. It was brought to my attention that others may or may not be interested in this venture. Who am I to judge the taste of someone else?

So here it is, The Box Press. I will not be visiting the smoke shop today, but I will begin my chronicling soon enough. I hope to update on Saturdays while the freshly smoked cigar is still in memory. I have a few already in the bag, and I'll shoot those out when I can, but expect regular updates.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em!



Women said...

Good luck! I love a man who can enjoy a nice cigar.... Please keep up the good reviews!

Ricky said...

Hey TGT, you're a better writer than I thought. ;-) Kudos!