Monday, February 14, 2011

Camacho Triple Maduro

I have been trying to venture outside of my comfort zone a little with the whole “trying new cigars” thing. It is with this in mind that I tried the Camacho Triple Maduro. When I mentioned to the guys at the smoke shop that I was looking to broaden my horizons and try something with more body, they mentioned this cigar to me, but warned me that I should eat beforehand, and that it will more than likely make me feel dizzy. One of the guys said he smoked it and couldn’t walk straight for a few minutes. I thusly avoided it for two weeks until I proclaimed, “Damn the man!”

At this point, I would like to mention that it actually has been two weeks since I smoked this cigar, and am thus relying on my admittedly feeble memory. So bear with me.

This was a good smoke. The price point is a touch higher than most, running about $15. Well worth the money though. When I opened the plastic, I smelled it, which I am wont to do, as I have seen people in the movies do this and assumed they know what the hell they’re doing. The wrapper is pungent and dark, but not unpleasantly skunky. I will say now that I have been forgetting to document ring size, so I shall endeavor to do so henceforth. The wrapper was not brittle, like some of the cigars I have had in the past, but I don’t know if that has to do with age or quality or both. I’m not fond of getting a lot of tobacco leaf in my mouth, and brittle wrappers bother me.

Initial lighting and pull on the Triple Maduro was not very tasty. I won’t go so far as to say it was harsh or nasty or anything, but I was regretting it taste-wise at the beginning. Five minutes in and I changed my mind. The flavors mellowed out and became actually quite pleasant. It was spicy, and left the roof of my mouth a little tingly, which was really nice. I smoke with a bottle of water next to me, as I have found “swishing” the water around after a drag lets me taste the tobacco flavors more.

Remember the warnings listed above? I was scared of this cigar before I smoked it. I mean hands shaking WTF am I doing scared. Admittedly, this was the “darkest” cigar I’ve had to date, but it didn’t knock me on my ass like they said. It burned well, only running towards the middle-to-end of the burn, and lasted about 50 minutes. Again, apologies for not gathering ring size info, as that would affect smoke time.

So to review:
Camacho Triple Maduro
Ring Size: unknown
Cost: $15
Length of smoke: 50-60 minutes
Flavor: dark, smooth, spicy
TGT Rating: 8/10


PTD said...

Way to go outside the ol' comfort zone there dude. I've been giving some serious consideration to smoking what you smoke to broaden my own stogage horizons. Haven't been to the smoke shop out here in a while

Ricky said...

Good job. I didn't understand half of the fumador jargon you used, but I know one thing: it takes a hell of a man to admit his fears about certain inanimate rolled tobacco leaf products. :-) Cheers!

Ricky said...

Of course, I forgot to mention that this fine cigar is named after America's greatest president: President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.